Update on the USA Hockey saga… Nevertheless she persisted

As previously discussed, the women’s team took a stand against unfair, sexist treatment and announced they would boycott the upcoming World Championship in Michigan if the situation did not change. The ladies received overwhelming support from their male counterparts, other athletes, and sixteen US senators.

On Tuesday (28th March) the team agreed to a four year deal with USA hockey whereby players can earn more than $70,000 in a non-Olympic year and $100,000 in the Olympic year. This is a huge boost as previously the players were earning $6000 in the six months leading up to the Winter Olympics. More focus will also go towards the girl’s programs to increase participation, development, and support. This is also an important step as many senior players have been forced to play in leagues with boys growing up because opportunities for girls were – and still are – scarce.

It took a lot of strength. As USA hockey began to explore their options and tried to call up other players, these women showed solidarity with each other. Imagine being on the B team and the A team says they’re not playing then the coach calls and offers you the opportunity to play – although it may be the only chance you have, you refuse because taking a stand for the majority is more important. Powerful.


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